Cause: #
An XML sitemap is a file that lists a website’s essential pages, making sure Google can find and crawl them all. It also helps search engines understand your website structure. You want Google to crawl every important page of your website. But sometimes, pages end up without internal links pointing to them, making them hard to find. A sitemap can help speed up content discovery.
If the .xml sitemap is not available on your website, you need to create it and upload it to the root folder of your website.
How to resolve it: #
An XML sitemap offers a standardized way of listing posts and pages, making them discoverable for search engines. Here’s a very simple example, a sitemap with a single URL:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<urlset xmlns=”″>
For WordPress CMS #
For WordPress, the User sitemap is automatically created by Yoast SEO Plugin. You Just need to install the plugin and configure it.
For Other CMS #
You can create or generate a Sitemap from the Any Sitemap generator website or you can create your custom sitemap as mentioned in the above XML script. Once the sitemap is ready you can upload it to the root folder of your website.
Still, Need further assistance? You can contact the RankChutney Team through our Discussions module.