Cause: #
Mobile friendliness is the measure of how well a website is designed and optimized to load on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
According to Google, the mobile-friendly algorithm affects mobile searches in all languages worldwide and has a significant impact on Google rankings. This algorithm works on a page-by-page basis – it is not about how mobile-friendly your pages are, it is simply whether are you mobile-friendly or not. The algorithm is based on such criteria as small font sizes, tap targets/links, readable content, your viewpoint, etc.
How to resolve it: #
If you want to prevent bad mobile experiences, you must optimize your site to be mobile-friendly.
How to check if you have a mobile-friendly website: An easy way to test mobile-friendliness is to use Google’s mobile page testing tool.
Once you run the test, you have all suggestions to make your website mobile friendly. Or you can do manual testing for mobile-friendly websites.
Best practices for creating an effective mobile SEO strategy #
- Improve your site’s load time
- Integrate responsive design
- Focus on the user experience
- Optimize for the local audience
- Implement a clean, easy-to-use navigation bar
- Create mobile content